Friday, June 4, 2010

The best coffee ever!

I get so many cheap/free groceries that I can occasionally splurge on something that I love without feeling guilty. In this case, it's coffee. But not just any coffee. The BEST coffee, ever!

When I worked at the coffeeshop we had a flavor of coffee called Highlander Grogg. It had the best smell; it smelled great when it was in whole bean form, smelled even better when we ground it, and even better when it was brewing. It's hard to describe the flavor exactly, but the website says it's caramel, butterscotch and hazelnut. It is so delicious.

The best part is when I get it from Berres Brothers, they will grind it in an espresso grind for me. This is important, because we use a Senseo coffee maker with a coffeeduck, and in order for the coffee to brew correctly you have to use an espresso grind. But wait! There's more! Berres Brothers also has DECAF Highlander Grogg! That is so incredibly hard to find, and it's exactly what I want.

Plus, I once had a question about their grinds, so I emailed them. Not only did they get back to me quickly, but they were also super friendly.

So if you are looking for a new coffee to try, I highly recommend Highlander Grogg from Berres Brothers.  You will thank me.  :)

**The above statements are my personal opinions, from my personal experiences.  I do not work for any of these companies, nor do they pay me.  However, if you were to buy a Senseo or Coffeeduck from the links above, I do get a small commission.  Thank you.

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